Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I took my kids with me to the doctor today. Simple appointment--I just wanted an antibiotic for some minor tonsillitis and some suggestions for how to care for my recurring plantar fasciitis. The kids were great. We played Simon Says in the waiting room, which fortunately wasn't very full. We managed to pull a few smiles out of the secretary and another patient. Another patient left the room, but I don't think it was because of us.

Finally we went back in the room. H had a great time open the door and peeking out to see who he could make smile. Later, as the doctor gagged me with the tongue depressor, the kids climbed up on the leather chair to look at the poster on the wall. The poster displayed various images of healthy and unhealthy arteries and hearts. H looked at a picture of a swollen artery with blood bursting out. "Eeeewwww." Then he looked at the crosscut picture of a healthy artery next to it, and giggled, "Look at that shoe!" If only all arteries looked like empty shoes. We'd live forever.

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