Sunday, November 21, 2010

Secret Service Exposed

Last week in church, our younger children were given a "Secret Service" Badge, with some little paper smiley circles that they were to leave when they did a secret service during the week.

One day this last week, Matthew found four quarters and a smiley face on his pillow.  I reminded him to make sure he made a big deal of it, so the kids knew how much we appreciated their thoughtfulness.

The kids were in the bonus room watching a video.   Matthew walked in, hands in the air, and with an excited voice, said, "Someone left some coins and a smiley face on my pillow."

Four heads turned, all with smiles.

Henry piped up.  "It was the tooth fairy."  Cute. We assumed that he put the money on there and then covered up his secret good deed with a clever white lie.

Turns out, Henry was guessing.

Today in church again, the teacher asked who had done any secret services during the week.   Jackie waved her hand high in the air.

"Well.  You see.  My family is kind of low on money, so I left money and a smiley face on my Dad's pillow."

1 comment:

cheyney webb said...

ADORABLE!!! Ahhh, the thoughtfulness of Jackie.
Hopefully we can skype again soon.