Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Jackie, at the dinner table:  "Mom, do you want to know why the people in Veggie Tales are veggies?"

Me:  "Why?"

Jackie:  "Because they're veggies."

Me:  "Hmmm . . . Could someone pass the ketchup?"

A few minutes later:

Jackie:  "Mom, do you want to know why the people in Veggie Tales are veggies?"

Me, with a smile:  "Because they're vegetables."

Jackie, emphatically, drawn out, and with a hearty giggle at her own joke:  "No, because they're VEGGIES!"

I've learned over the years that an important part of motherhood is being able to laugh on demand.

1 comment:

Jess, Andrew and Family said...

That, and also pretending you know exactly what your child has drawn when they show you a picture.