Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July Fourth Blueberry Pie

For the second year in a row, we ate the yummiest blueberry pie at the July Fourth party we attend.  I wanted to post the recipe because it was so unusual.  I wish I had a picture, but when I saw it placed on the dessert table, all I could think about was eating it.  I completely forgot about taking a picture.  By the time I was done savoring my mouthwatering slice, the pie was almost all gone! 

Blueberry Pie (Ann's)

Bake one 9-inch pie crust according to directions.

Wash, drain, and place in pie crust:
2 cups fresh blueberries

Heat the following ingredients until the sugar melts and the mixture thickens.  Then pour hot over fresh blueberries in pie crust:
1 cup sugar
2 Tbsp flour
1+ cup blueberries

1 comment:

Jess, Andrew and Family said...

Mmmmm, if blueberries weren't so expensive here I would make that! Plus you have to make pie crust from scratch because they don't sell it here premade.
We LOVED your 4th of July pics! The boys had so much fun seeing all of their cousins. I just can't believe how much bigger everyone is!