Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kids, Hair, and Scissors

I recently found myself comforting a mother first experiencing her child's self-haircut. I don't have too much to say about that, except the following advice:
  • Don't cry.
  • Visit a professional hair stylist.
  • Most importantly, make sure you take a picture.
This is Jackie, the day she climbed up onto the bathroom counter and carefully cut her hair in the style she wanted. If I remember correctly, I had told her for several weeks that I didn't want to cut that silky golden hair.

I may have been sad for a day or two, but I kind of liked her short hair after a while. It fit her spunky personality.

One more picture. This is Morgan a couple of years ago. Yes, that is a rubber band cutting off the circulation in her lips . . . and nose . . . and chin. Unfortunately, I can't find a picture of Anika, but I know she cut her hair too.

I hope Henry doesn't try--that might be a bloody mess.


The Lunds said...

It hasn't happened to our family yet, but I love the advice to not cry and take a picture!

It is fun to read about the kids.


Alana said...

Something I may or may not ever have to deal with. I wonder if Amber and I ever tried this at home? Sounds like something I would do.