Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wedding Bells

I took the kids to choir today. That, in itself, is a feat, and should be fodder enough for a great posting. Clearly, I lived through it, because I'm here typing on my computer.

As we pulled out of the driveway, Jackie (5) piped up, "Mom, we should bring Stu to choir." Stu is a nice 11-year-old boy with whom Morgan and Jackie especially like to play. The rest of the conversation went as follows:

Morgan, laughing: "Jackie, you love Stuart."

Jackie, dreamily: "Oh . . . yes."

Mom, trying to clarify: "Jackie, do you love Mommy?"

Jackie, stars in her eyes: "Oh, yes. I want to marry Mommy and Stuart. But Mommy is already married, and Stuart is too old. He'll be married before I can marry him."

This reminds me of when I was in love with my cousin. I remember sitting in Grandma's trailer and daydreaming about him. Of course, I was really little. I wonder if Jackie will remember wanting to marry her mother.

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