Monday, February 15, 2010


From Jackie (6) to Henry (3)

Der Henry,
I love you so much that win (when) you ar not here I lmslst (almost) cry.

Anika (12) to Morgan (9)

Anika to Jackie

I think that is a rose Jackie drew on the valentine.

Der Stoort, (Stuart is a 12-year-old boy that Jackie adores.)
I hop yer lisin to this poueme. (I hope you're listening to this poem.)
Rosis ar red, villitse ar blu,
(Morgan I think takes over writing here)
I wish you would know how
I have a crush on you.

Morgan to Matthew:

Dear Dad,
You're the BEST dad ever!
Please be careful with the duck. The duck's name is Snifsy.
Love, Morgan

Jackie to Morgan:
Dear Morgan,
I hope you know hoe much I love you.

To Anika
From Jackie (in Anika's handwriting)

Love Stays With You.

To Anika
From Jackie
Second Page, still in Anika's handwriting

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cheyney webb said...

HILARIOUS! I love how Anika has to write the valentines given to her. Kind of like me buying my own Christmas presents from other people. I also love that Morgan named the duck for her dad.

The State of Our Family said...

That is so sweet! What a great idea to put them all on your blog!