Monday, December 27, 2010

Day after Christmas

According to one news article, this was technically the first white Christmas since 1949.  I say technically, because the snow began late Christmas night.  The snow fell through the night and we woke up to 6 inches of beautiful snow.  Church was cancelled.

It's unusual to see Anika in a coat, let alone a hat.
Her hair is soaked here because she stood for some time in the tree shaking it to create a snow shower.

Matthew heading off to offer help to a neighbor.

This boy refuses to wear a coat.  Even in the snow.
Needless to say, he didn't stay out very long.

I'm pretty flexible about coats generally.
If kids are cold, they'll put a coat on.
As long as they're safe (i.e. 5 feet from the house), I let them choose.
If we're going somewhere, I make them at least take the coat with them.
I did offer Henry coat, snow boots, and gloves.
Little helper

Jackie in her new coat

Morgan hanging out in the front yard.

The girls created this pulpit, from which they conducted primary.
They also planned talks to give in a short devotional time.

Finally, some pictures of our beautiful snow.

1 comment:

Amazon Mama said...

We love our Grandparents!