Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dermatographic urticaria

That is my arm.  I used my fingernail to scratch the word hives on my arm.  I have a "disorder" called dermatographic urticaria.  I would have never even known this was a disorder, except that once I was at the pediatrician's office with one of my children.  I had just scratched my arm, and the physician took one look and asked if I had poison ivy.  When I told him it wasn't poison ivy, but the result of my scratching, he was pretty excited to tell me what was wrong with me.  Someone had come into one of his medical school classes to demonstrate this "disorder."

If you are interested in learning a useless but interesting tidbit, you can read more at the following address:

In short, any scratch causes my skin to release histamines.  It's not really a big deal. 

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