Monday, June 6, 2011

Fresh Strawed

We rarely buy orange juice.  It's only because my ob-gyn recently discovered that my Vitamin D reserves are "extremely low," that I suddenly felt prompted to buy some fortified orange juice for our family.   They don't drink much milk, except for the strawberry milk at school, which somehow tastes better.

Tonight I got out the OJ at dinner.  Only Henry drank it.

At one point he said, pointing at the OJ carton:  "Mom, do we have any of these?"

Me:  "Any of what?"

Henry:  "The real ones of these?"

Me, totally excited that my son might actually want to eat an orange without being forced to:  "You want a real orange?"

I have a large box of mouth-watering oranges from Costco, so I jump up to get him one.

Henry:  "Mom, I want to use a straw . . . and get the juice from the orange like this."

1 comment:

Jess, Andrew and Family said...

I can't buy OJ because my kids will drink it all in one sitting!